The Theologian - The internet journal for integrated theology

Church History

TertullianTertullian and the Early Church

by Gerald Bray

Professor Gerald Bray examines the history of the early church with particular reference to the great Latin theologian, Tertullian. This is an audio lecture in mp3 format.

Click here to download the lecture (or right click and "Save Target As" to download now and listen later.

It is about 8 MB in size and lasts 74 minutes.


Other articles by Gerald Bray on The Theologian include:

Can God Suffer?

Is there a Place for Reform in the Church of England?

Bishops, Presbyters, and Women

What's Wrong with Women Bishops? An audio talk in mp3 format

Two Testaments - One Bible

Gerald BrayAbout the Author

Gerald Bray is Director of Research for the Latimer Trust, Professor at Samford University, Alabama (USA) and Editor of the journal Churchman. His doctorate from the Sorbonne was on Tertullian.

This lecture first appeared online at, where other lectures by Dr. Bray can be downloaded.